Friday, January 16, 2009


I was sitting here at work thinking about car bombs because I have a friend from Iraq. He is really FROM Iraq. Born and raised for the first 12 years of his life. But he says the most Fucked Up shit. His latest thing is that there are NO car bombers in Iraq. They are all just really shitty Mechanics.....
He's my friend and all, but i have started to ask him to please park up the street from my house....I'm just sayin'...

Peace out Crackheads....


  1. Weirdo.

    I'm not really anonymous, that's just the only option that makes a bit of sense to me. JFC, I really am a dinosaur!

    Your pal,

  2. Lol- Basherz, go on the drop down menu to where it says Name/URL. It'll let you be the Bash you were born to be!

  3. That, and the stupid validation typy thingy just had me write "fistorma" that an enormous fist?
