Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I don't want to kill them....just fuck them up.

People in general piss me off. I don't mean to come across like a prick here but it's true. I work in an office so i know about co-works and the like being assholes. Hey I'm one to. I'm sure of it. It happens.
But there is one prick in particular that needs to be dealt with. Not in a cement shoes kinda way, but I'm not opposed to kendo sticking him or her in the groin.
It's that fucking I'm so happy to be here in the morning and I love everyone and here is an e-mail you need to forward to 10 people otherwise Jesus will shit on your brisquit sandwhich type fuckers...
Just an Idea, but if we drag this person out into the middle of the office and cane them like in Singapore..FUCK THAT this is America! Baseball came from this fucking country.. so we drag them out into the middle of the office and hammer them in the vagina with a bat. Yes a Bat. A nice wooden Louiseville Slugger to the testicles will get the point across that YOU need to be as FUCKING sick of being here as the rest of us. YOU need to be in a drug induced stupor just to make it to lunch so you can smoke a joint with Julio in the warehouse so you can make it until 5pm. JUST LIKE THE REST OF US!
And if you don't get it on the first day It's ok, no really. It's kinda like on the job training. We can Reggie Jackson your ball sack or your shrimp ditch everyday until you learn. Hell, I will email 10 friends that we need to beat your happy ass until you take Paxil and Mexican Dirt Weed on a daily basis just like the rest of us....
Now. where is that fucker selling candy bars for his asshole kids school drama club? I got the munchies.....

Peace out Crackheads

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